
We ensure a path of Applied Research, following the evolution of new algorithms, applying them in pilot projects, verifying their usability before adopting them in our solutions.

Solutions and Applied Research

We provide Machine Learning Solutions able to solve problems of Classification, Prediction, Forecast, Clustering, Behavior, Natural Language Processing (NLP), in different industrial contexts such as IOT, Banking, Automotive, Energy.

Machine Learning Maturity Model

We apply a rigorous and scalable approach in projects with a view to continuous improvement, verifying the maturity of the entire end-to-end ML process over time in terms of cost, process and results monitoring.

Data Science

Team of Data Scientists able to create Models and Monitor the Service. Data Architect and MLOps Engineers to define the Architectures and Govern the ML processes in MLOPS.


An Effective Tool for Making Predictions

Convolutional Neural Networks

The effectiveness of Neural Networks in Object Detection field


The Effectiveness of the Two-Level Clustering Technique

NLP & Text Mining

Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Text Mining


Humanativa is able to help Organizations become AI-Driven.

To this purpose, we provide our methodological approach to support the customer in all phases of the end-to-end Machine Learning Cycle.

Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform



AutoML Training to the Business Customer to make it autonomous in the experimentation of Models via AutoML offered by Cloud Computing Services (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google GCP)

Consulting in Data Science

Development of Machine Learning Models.
Consulting for the improvement of Business Processes.
Planning and Cost Management of ML Services in Cloud.

Advanced Analytics

Implementation of specific ML solutions.
Data Visualization, Advanced Analytics.
Model Embedded, Integrating Models into Third-Party Applications.
Cloud Services, Microservices & Rest Services.


Lifecycle management of Machine Learning solutions both in Cloud Computing and On Premise.
Monitoring the Performance of Models in Operation.

Use case

NPL – analysis of securitization

The Challenge Securitization is a credit transfer process involving Banks, Rating Agencies (e.g. Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, …), […]

Fraud prevention of banking transactions

The Challenge Open Banking, and in particular the application of international regulations such as PSD-2 since 2019, has […]

Intelligent augmented reality to support psychotherapy

The Challenge On 28/12/2017 the Lazio Region admitted to grant our research project “Intelligent augmented reality in support […]

Leasing analytics

The Challenge Study of new solutions for data analysis in the Leasing field through the application of sophisticated […]


Neural networks: feed-forward and recurrent neural networks

Recurring models (RNNs)   Neural networks can be divided into two main categories: Feed-forward and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).  […]

Feed-forward neural networks -CNN – convolutional neural network

 In the previous article we described in general the functioning of neural networks, in this second publication we […]

Deep learning the technology of the future, what is it and why it represents the next frontier of Humanativa

In recent years, the research and development activity carried out by Humanativa has been aimed at the theme […]

Artificial intelligence: Steps forward for human beings

For over 50 years, molecular biologists from research institutes around the world have focused their studies on protein, […]